Cricket Matches vs. Exams

Cricket Matches vs. Exams

  I find preparing for cricket matches and preparing for exams very similar. Most of us in India are crazy about game of cricket and most of...

Engaging students in e-learning

Engaging students in e-learning

 I attended quite a few webinars since pandemic and also gave many webinars and realized for sure it is very different than our traditional ...

How Learning Management Software Can Reduce Costs

How Learning Management Software Can Reduce Costs

Prior to COVID, eLearning was viewed only as a collection of skills to enhance long distance learning and improve the classroom experience. ...

How can you start with online teaching as an alternative career?

How can you start with online teaching as an alternative career?

  How can you start with online teaching as an alternative career? In my opinion, teaching an online course can definitely be an alternati...

8 best practices for becoming an effective online teacher

8 best practices for becoming an effective online teacher

  How to become an Effective Online Teacher Digital classrooms offer relatively new and little-known areas compared to traditional teachin...

Online exams vs. pen paper exams – Facts you must know

Online exams vs. pen paper exams – Facts you must know

Online exams vs. pen paper exams – Facts you must know Due to advancement in use of technology in education sector, the traditional pen pa...

10 ways to prevent cheating in online exams?

10 ways to prevent cheating in online exams?

  While conducting online exams, many institutes are concerned about the risk of negligence due to lack of human oversight. A sad truth abou...

Online Proctored exam: Things you must know.

Online Proctored exam: Things you must know.

  Online Proctored exam is trending more than ever. The advent Online Proctoring examination has helped many universities and learning cen...