8 best practices for becoming an effective online teacher


How to become an Effective Online Teacher

Digital classrooms offer relatively new and little-known areas compared to traditional teaching methods. Here are 8 simple but effective ways you can follow to become an effective online teacher. Online learning combined with a comprehensive course load and appropriate resources could be much more effective than a traditional classroom setting.

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1.       Know technology

This is new to everyone, so be prepared to solve the problem and let your students know that you are working. Getting used to the current technology is the need of the hour. Most companies are currently offering additional training.

Clearly explain to your students where you can get technical support (good digital technology comes with support and services). Make your contact information easily available and be prepared to direct students if they come to you.

2.       Existence

Of course, we are not talking about physical presence in the classroom, but there are many ways to express yourself in the digital realm. Achieving this online means using a variety of communication methods and checking daily or hourly if necessary. Discussion boards, emails, announcements, and forums are just a few of the ways you can be present daily in an online classroom. At the beginning of the course, clear guidelines should be set about when students need to attend.

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3.       Setting expectations

Online classrooms can make students feel a sense of freedom. So students should be provided very clear expectations before starting the course. The guidelines should include everything you can expect as a teacher and what students need to do. Expectations can summarize assessment deadlines, frequency of communication, degree of online participation required, and expected behavior that must be displayed throughout the course.

4.       Build comfort and develop a learner community.

Students want you to set the mood. Demonstrate passion and excitement for a curriculum designed to relieve fear, anxiety and isolation.

Personalize the course by posting stories about what you plan to do to keep the students busy. Various ways to do this are a welcome video, biography, social isolation, news article, or video clip.

Demand that each student is required to personalize his or her homepage, move around the class, and share information about what they post.

Integrate instant messaging, web cameras, blogs and video blogs.

Ask participants to question each other and promote questions that can encourage rich discussion.

Instead of directing all responses to individual participants outside the community, respond to the community as a whole.

5.       Fostering online communities to support

Since this online space is a classroom, we hope to get as much support as possible when our students are here. Using a variety of conversational formats, coursework accommodates all types of learning and allows students to thrive.

Encourage students to use the general forum for discussion and organize small groups within the classroom to encourage students to participate in feedback and support with fellow classmates. Some students will be able to sit comfortably and learn from the side, while others will benefit greatly from being actively involved in this type of communication.

6.       Request for Feedback

In an online course, it is important to receive direct and honest feedback from students. This feedback should cover everything from content to teaching methods and areas that need improvement. The best way to achieve this is a rather formal tone, so post something on the discussion board and see what appears.

7.       Regularly check content resources and applications

Check all links, resources, modules and activities regularly. Online content may be moved or changed, and participation may be discontinued.

It is important to support students who have difficulty navigating course links or managing materials on various web pages.

It models the process of navigating to a website not included in the course and shows how to properly manage navigation tracking as you move between sites.

8.       Finishing activity

Finally, you must finish the course with bang. The best way to achieve this is a final summary or assessment that helps students reflect everything that they have learnt in the course. You can have students share their experiences so everyone knows what they can take away from the course.


Incorporating these principles into your online teaching method will not only ensure a community that supports students, but will ultimately make the job easier. Since online learning is in the building phase compared to other teaching methods, the most effective principles will continue to grow and adapt to the new digital classroom world.

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